Our Operations Manager Rob was on hand to receive our first 2025 delivery from Dignity…

Concord Academy Service Day
On Friday, September 6, 25 sophomores from Concord Academy came to Open Table to identify ways to actively address hunger in their school community. To gain an understanding of what the face of hunger looks like, they moved through the site as guests do, role-playing with scripts and reflecting on how it feels to struggle with food insecurity.
They also worked at each of the pantry stations, from weeding the outside gardens to stocking the pantry, creating prepared meals, and brainstorming fundraising ideas. At the end of the day, they had a clearer view of food insecurity and we had a sparkling clean, well-stocked facility, ready for the next pantry day.
If your organization is interested in learning more about the issue of food insecurity and how you can help, please contact us at [email protected]