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Support Comes in All Sizes

Our support comes in all sizes – and ages. Here are some of the children and teens we have the privilege to have as supporters:
Max Peddar is an eight-year-old who decided he wanted to do something for people without food. So he set up a stand in front of his house, sold handicrafts and asked for donations. He handily beat his goal of $100 raised, donating all of it to Open Table. Truly a generous young man.
Enterprising teen Akshara Shankar, now a college student, started a website as a high school freshman called Many Hands to identify the specific items needed by food pantries, with the goal of making it easier for potential donors to pick up those items. It has morphed into so much more. Recently she and Justin Battick donated 783 pounds of donated groceries to Open Table, ensuring more families will be fed.
And National Charity League is a mother-daughter philanthropic organization that chooses local nonprofits to support by volunteering their time and talents. Our local chapter, Middlesex, has made centerpieces for our community dinners, prepared meals, stocked the pantry and run food drives. But this year the character of the young women shone as they decided to take the funds earmarked for their year-end celebration and donate them to Open Table, to aid us in our mission of feeding people.
We are not only immensely grateful to all of these young people, but incredibly proud and confident that, as they go out into the world, they will make it a better place.