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Bumper Crop!

The dog days of August bring an abundance of fresh produce from area farms, large and small. For 30 years we have been fortunate to partner with Gaining Ground and Drumlin Farm, two local organic farms that have provided us with literally TONS of vegetables. This year Drumlin, which normally provides produce to restaurants that have now scaled back, has brought us even more fresh, local, organic produce.

And now we have several new partners! Aurelia’s Garden is a community of passionate volunteers dedicated to growing fresh produce specifically to address local food insecurity. They recently brought us their first food donation, grown in their Wayland garden. And we’ve been gifted with beautiful blueberries from Blue Meadow Farm in Sudbury; squash, zucchini and other veggies from the Massachusetts Correctional Institute; and a plethora of produce from local community gardens and private gardeners, as well as the overflow from CSA farm shares.

These smaller contributors bring variety to the table so that we now offer a “Farmer’s Market Table” at our drive-thru pantry, giving guests the opportunity to “choose” more produce from what‘s available. And Open Table now has more produce to bring to our Mobile Pantry Partners (see article below), spreading fresh and healthy food far and wide.