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Thank You!

Your generous support made our Annual Appeal a success! Your donations play a vital role in advancing our mission and providing healthy foods for your neighbors in need.

In 2023, we faced increased demand, distributing 817,261 pounds of food and 70,123 prepared meals. Projections for 2024 indicate these numbers will continue to rise. Fortified with your support, we can expand our services to meet the growing need.

We express our deepest gratitude for putting your trust in us to alleviate hunger in your community. Thank you for taking Hunger off the Table.

Every year, your support helps us advance our mission: to end hunger in our local community by providing healthy food in ways that respect the dignity and diversity of those served. This year that support is even more crucial because our food programs are facing greater demand than ever before.

“What you do for people is more than just food, you support from the heart.” Iryna, client

Today, a staggering one-third of households with children in Eastern Massachusetts are experiencing food insecurity. Many families and individuals are struggling to make ends meet and turning to food pantries for help. This is evident at Open Table, where we have increased our food distribution by 37% in 2023.

Your donation helps us meet this new demand and take hunger off the table.

Woman holding bag of groceries
Open Table volunteer with shopping cart

This past year we reached deeper into local communities through new partnerships and increased our connection to clients through our drive-thru pantry and mobile delivery programs. Your donation makes it possible to offer prepared meals, fresh produce, eggs, milk, proteins, and more to those who rely on this essential support.

“Honestly, I could not manage without Open Table to get me through the month. It has been a life saver for me and my son.” Heidi, Harvard client

We are here to serve people who never expected to need food assistance: those with medical issues, unexpected job losses, or other unanticipated circumstances.

Your generosity offers hope and compassion during a difficult time.

$1000 provides food for 1100 prepared meals
$500 provides bags of fresh produce for 50 families
$250 provides specialty items like basmatti rice for a month
$100 provides milk and eggs for 30 households
Donate to our Annual Appeal and support these ways of providing food

Donate Online

Make a donation online with your credit card or PayPal account:

or with PayPal

Donate By Check

To donate by Check, please make a check payable to Open Table, Inc. and mail it to us at:

Open Table 
P.O. Box 42
Concord, MA 01742

Donate by Donor Advised Fund

Other Forms of Donation

We also accept EFTs, donations of stock or securities, and other forms of gifts. Please contact us at [email protected] with any questions.

Does your employer have a matching gift program? A match will make your donation feed even more people!

Open Table is a non-profit 501(c)(3) organization, EIN 04-3048933.

Gifts are tax-deductible to the extent allowed by law.

“Prepared meals are made with such love, you can tell.  And I am filled with gratitude that they meet my dietary needs.”— Katie, Stow client

Your gift during our Annual Appeal takes hunger off the table for so many. It’s not just a donation; it’s a lifeline, a promise, and a beacon of compassion.

We, and our clients, are profoundly grateful.

Open Table volunteer preparing meals in professional kitchen

Thank you for your support – together we can end hunger in our community!